Victor Babariko and Maria Kolesnikova announced the creation of the political party called
On 31st of August 2020 Maria Kolesnikova and Viktor Babariko headquarters’ members are creating a political party. It’s called "Together".
The news was announced via video message appeared in the official telegram channel of Viktor Babariko.
It began with an appeal by Viktor Babariko which apparently had been recorded before his detention.
Viktor Babariko said the time came to announce the continuation of the battleand a new organisation was being created in order to unite all supporters. He spoke about the creation of "a party or movement". Main goals were to carry out constitutional reforms, to work for economic improvement and for the opportunity for people to show their civil initiative.
Viktor Babariko noted that despite losing the elections it was necessary to create the movement.
Further Maria Kolesnikova said Viktor Babariko headquarters’ members were creating a political party called "Together". Kolesnikova noted there was a greater job done within the last three months than during the last 26 years. Maria mentioned that the country currently was in a state of political, social and economic crisis and together we (Belarusian people - editor’s note) were able to comprehend how to get out of this crisis.
Maria Kolesnikova said also that hundreds and thousands of Belarusian people, talented professionals were ready to take responsibility and to build a new Belarus. Documents for the registration of the party would be submitted shortly. As soon as we (Belarusian people - editor’s note) unite we would become even stronger.
Together we would win!
Last but the least, it should be noted that earlier the same day at a press conference Pavel Latushko said it was discussed about a public movement creation on the basis of the Coordination Council. Pavel stated that the question of the Coordination Council legitimacy as an institution was raised often and they (Coordination Council members - editor’s note) should think about creating a registered public movement to include representatives of various social groups in order to demonstrate to the authorities that there was a subject for negotiations.